09 May, 2007

Random Coincidences

What a great title for an album! I'm so proud of my dear friends, Hunab. Their first cd is about to be released (19 May, 2007). I know there are so many of us that have been awaiting this day for so long (it's been a long time coming since the Aluminum Suits). If you can, I'd suggest going to the release party on the 19th; it's in Iowa City. Check them out on myspace for more info: http://www.myspace.com/hunabmusic

I've also been thinking a lot about the seemingly random things and people we encounter in our lives that seem utterly insignificant at one instance; yet, some how, some way, many of them find their ways back into our lives or become a greater part of our life than we could have possibly imagined. Regardless of whether or not this is dumb luck, fate, or some other unknown variable in life, I feel so blessed to have been given all that I have been given in life, especially in terms of the quality of people I've been able to call family and friends. By chance, or by design, I don't care; I would not trade anything about my life for any other thing. I realize that my life, as is, is a direct result of my interactions with everyone and everything around me. This includes the bad times of life too--even the people who I am less than fond of. Without any of it, I would not be this "status quo" me (are you proud of me for busting that old debate term out?) and I absolutely love what I've become in life and the direction my life has. The time has come for me to spread the love I have received; I encourage each and every one of you to do the same, to whatever extent you can. My goal in life is to change the world for the better in some way, but lets be honest here: I cannot do it with out you.

Peace, Love, and Happiness,

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