31 May, 2007


Obviously this is a very exciting time in my life, but I'm excited beyond the Peace Corps service. I just happen to have the most incredible friends in the world--friends who make me feel like a rock star and love and support me. To these friends, I know I've probably told some of you this before, but I'm a big fan of making sure people know things, rather than waiting for it to be too late: I love and respect each of you as if you were a member of my family because you are a member of my family. Although I'm excited about my adventure, part of me cannot wait until it's over and I'm back getting hugs and planning how we all, together, are going to rock this planet. I have somewhat vague, yet somewhat specific notions of what I want to do when I get back, and you are all an integral part of it. Get excited for the future; we're going to go places we could never have imagined as children...places we didn't even know existed. Simply open your mind and follow your heart; I know you'll be there with me.

I want to give a special shout-out to my new friends I made on my trip to Bella Luna this weekend. You were all fantastic. I even made a friend, who is also interested in life of volunteering. Her name is Jess and she is absolutely amazing. She leaves for Equador with the AmeriCorps in August. Hopefully she'll be blogging and posting pictures as well (peer pressure, Jess...now you have to do it). If not, I'll make her keep me up-to-date on her situation and keep you posted as well. (Look at that: two adventures for the price of one, three if you've also been reading Anderson and Liz's adventure; you better be). You should also check out her artwork that she so kindly did on my legs (I am but the canvas). You can see those on my myspace page under the Bella Luna section of pictures (I think they are on page 3, maybe 4).

So to all my family out there: I love you and Goodnight

Peace, Love, and Happiness,

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